Jan 27Liked by Loic Le Meur

Magnifique et merci pour ce court partage Loïc. Au Pérou l'Aya m'a ouvert le cœur, fait voyager parmi les corps célestes et dans les lumières astrales de mes vies passées. Puis j'ai fait le voyage du Gabon, l'Ibo et le Bwiti m'ont remis les pieds bien plantés au sol, m'ont collé mon arbre généalogique sous le nez, ont sauvé mon couple et peut être ma vie. Bassé mon frére & Bienvenue de retour sur terre :-)

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Bassé bassé

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Jan 24Liked by Loic Le Meur

So glad this was such a power and positive experience for you Loic. I really hope you'll continue to share your experiences and your wisdom. I've found them incredibly inspiring and helpful and I know others have as well. I hope you'll unarchive them as I think they really provide a lot of insights and benefits and can help people see how to responsibly navigate this work. Anyway, just a though and big hug to you regardless.

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Thank you Will!

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Jan 22Liked by Loic Le Meur

I appreciate you sharing these incredible and magical experiences. I harbor a deep desire to participate in a group expedition and immerse myself in the culture of the Bwiti Missoko people in Gabon, Africa. Since I lack proficiency in French, it would be essential to be in the company of individuals capable of translation. This opportunity seems extraordinary, offering a gateway to delve further into the ancestral roots of this community, enriching my spiritual knowledge as I progress on my journey. Thank you

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Yes, it would. But there are no group expeditions to experience the Bwiti in their traditional rituals and they do not allow anyone not initiated inside their temples. I only got there because they accepted to initiate me. Initiations are typically only one or two people, never a group. They are not open or interested in groups… at least these are the people I visited. Also mind you, everything in Gabon is very rough, there is very little infrastructure as there aren’t much tourists in general.

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Certainly! I understand. I would be eager to undergo initiation with another Paua member if such an opportunity presents itself in the near future. The entire experience seems like a chance to delve even deeper into understanding and connection.

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I understand your interest and respect it though, but the implications of taking someone there are huge... as death is a real possibility.

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Thanks. It is a huge responsibility to take anyone there, for life… I am not planning to take anyone at this point.

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Congrats man. What a wonderful way to start the year

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Thanks Scott!

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Jan 22Liked by Loic Le Meur

So many questions

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Wow! You’re hardcore. That Gabon jungle ain’t easy. Can’t wait to read more when you’re ready.

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Jan 22Liked by Loic Le Meur

you are giving clarity to my thoughts. My roots starting calling me back home. since a couple of years an idea thay then changed a couple of months to open a spiritual center over there. Well I guess it might be to do some personal deep deep deep work. Welcome back my friend. see you soon

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You are truly courageous! Thank you for sharing with us; it provides an opportunity for us to fully explore life.

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Amazing to think I was reading about Ibogaine in the Crystal Palace library 51 years ago, wondering what animal I would become, and there you are, liberating my friend Loic. Wonderful.

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Have you tried?

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Not yet. I need to pay the bills, and look after Poppy the cat :)

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Loic, as always I am happy to hear news from you. Your words made me travel back far far in time instantly.

Reading this from you gave me goosebumps: „This is likely the most powerful experience of my entire life.“

Yet I am also a bit confused and perhaps even a bit sad to hear that you decided to archive the previous posts. Though I do understand that having them out in the public is a big responsibility.

Is the book still in the plans?

I would love to talk to you in the coming days or next week...


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Thanks, it’s just extremely difficult to share what I have been sharing and then to keep it up online. It’s good to take a break. There is a reason why most people advanced working with these medicines do not share much and most books are fiction...

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Following with interest, thanks for sharing unique and bold experience, though it is a challenge to write about an initiation. We are living in such a chaos, we have no time, and I just wanted you to know we are with you in your journey.

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